Built to Spill are an awesome band. It's nice that their new record, You In Reverse, is finally bringing Doug Martsch and company some much deserved publicity. I kind of feel like Built to Spill are going to go through what happened to Big Star...in 15 years everyone will look back and realize just how good their records were, but no one gives them the props they deserve right now. Well not "no one," but at least the mainstream media. In any case, when we here at LiquidGeneration heard that Built To Spill was actually willing to take one of the internationally renowned LG E-mail Interviews we were so excited we almost forgot wipe. Of course, that Mr. Martsch has a good thing going...plays in a band, can grow an awesome beard, has tons of "indie cred," and has his wife fill out his interviews! Now that is pretty cool. Like James Spader cool. Stream this track from the new record while you read the interview. Enjoy!
Built To Spill - Liar Windows Quicktime
Dear Liquid Generation,
I am Doug Martsch's wife. My friend printed out these questions for
me. I took them home and asked Doug. Now I am at the public library typing
in his mostly paraphrased answers.
Karena Youtz
LIQUIDGENERATION: Built To Spill has been a band for some 13 years now…does that freak you out as much as it does us? It seems like just yesterday we were listening to There’s Nothing Wrong With Love for the first time. Now that being in a “rock band” has become a profession, if you could go back and do it all over again, what would you do if you didn’t play music?
BUILT TO SPILL: Doug is a little freaked out by the band being thirteen years old.
About not being a musician he said, "That would be like asking, what would
you be like if you weren't a human?" He was a musician for many years
before the rock band profession allowed him to quit his day job ten years
LG: What’s the last record you bought borrowed or stole?
BTS: Ethiopian music samplers.
LG: Over the years, Built to Spill has had a couple of different line-ups. Do you think it helps the song writing/creative process to get new blood in there, or is it sometimes hard to deal with a new personality?
BTS: Doug did all the song writing at first. When members started to stay in
the band, they all began to write together. The new form of new blood the
band is looking forward to are different producers for the recording
process. LG: Who’d you rather? Old School Mr. Potato Head or New School Mr. Potato
BTS: …
LG: On the new record you didn’t work with an official producer. Do you find that with all the new technologies out there (like Pro Tools, Cubase, and Reason to name a few), that the role of the old school producer is becoming dated? Or did you find that after doing it on your own, it’s important to have someone outside of the band around to keep everyone sane?
BTS: The whole record was done on twenty-four track tape and mixed to half
inch. The band didn't use any computer stuff until mastering and for the LP
version the vinyl will be mastered directly from tape. The guys who
engineered this record contributed immensely to the album, but they did
nothing to help with the sanity aspect.
LG: We see that you have been members of MySpace since 2005. What do you think of this kind of online community in terms of a promotional tool for both new and established acts? Also, how many of your 2171 friends do you really know? Could we be your friend?
BTS: Doug has never seen the MySpace website (or any other website for that
matter). He knows their song was posted there by Warner Bros. Someone at
WB maintains the site for the band. Doug hopes the internet is a way for
people to get information they cannot get through regular corporate media
outlets. He ran into one person at the store who was actually his real
friend and informed him she was also a myspace friend.
LG: After your last record, Ancient Melodies of the Future, we are told that the band took a nice and relaxing 18 month vacation. We were just wondering where you went and if you discovered anything on your long journey?
BTS: Stayed home and formed a cover band, also toured for his solo record.
He was definitely revived by the vacation, feeling excited about the band
LG: Finally, what shape are you if you’re “Built to Spill,” and do you hold Kool-Aid?
BTS: …
The guy seems like an irrigation with a jet of water or medicated solution into or around a body part (especially the vagina) to treat infections or cleanse from odorous contents. Does he take himself and life that seriously or was he born without a sense of humor. Ahhh... maybe you twats at LG aren't highbrow enough for him.
Posted by: Matt 3:16 | April 28, 2006 at 12:14 PM
Yeah, I am just dissapointed that he didn't tell me if he/they holds Kool-Aid or not.
Posted by: nixon | May 01, 2006 at 04:54 PM
that was very funny!!! i love liqiud generation!!! please send me more!! what was funny was the "flying of katie holmes vagina"!!! and i tried it out!! its cause im lesbian!! i like pussy
Posted by: vanessa | May 02, 2006 at 08:47 AM
Posted by: Matt 3:16 | May 02, 2006 at 08:54 AM
Posted by: nixon | May 02, 2006 at 09:31 AM