The Editors have finally released their long-awaited debut record, The Back Room, here in the U.S. of A. and the first thing they did was e-mail LiquidGeneration and said: “Send us some questions to answer! Please.” Since they asked nicely we granted their request, and the end result of this magical partnership in rock is now right here for the entire world to read. But first, you need to know that the Editors are going to be in your town soon and they totally want to see you at their show. “But how do I know when they’ll be here!” you ask. Well, once again LG has got your back.
Check out the tour dates:
co-headlining with stellastarr*
3/24 - Toronto, ON - Phoenix Concert Theater
3/25 - Cleveland, OH - Agora Theater
3/28 - Brooklyn, NY - Warsaw
3/29 - Washington, DC - 9:30 Club
3/30 - NY, NY - Webster Hall
4/1 - Philadelphia, PA - Trocadero
4/2 - Baltimore, MD - Sonar
4/4 - Norfolk, VA - The Norva Theatre
4/5 - Carrboro, NC - Cat's Cradle
4/6 - Athens, GA - 40 Watt Club
4/7 - Orlando, FL - The Social
4/8 - Miami, FL - Studio A
4/9 - St. Petersburg, FL - State Theater
4/11 - Nashville, TN - Exit/In
4/12 - Columbus, OH - Newport Music Hall
4/13 - Detroit, MI - Magic Stick
4/14 - Covington, KY - The Mad Hatter
4/15 - Columbia, MO - Blue Note
4/16 - Chicago, IL - Metro
4/18 - Minneapolis, MN - Fine Line Music Café
4/19 - Lawrence, KS - Granada Theatre
4/21 - Denver, CO - Bluebird Theatre
4/22 - Salt Lake City, UT - TBD
4/25 - Vancouver, BC - Richard's On Richards
4/27 - Seattle, WA - Chop Suey
4/28 - Portland, OR - Dante's
4/29 - San Francisco, CA - Mezzanine
4/30 - Indio, CA – Coachella
Oh, and here's a peek at their video for the song "Munich." Windows Real
LIQUIDGENERATION: If you could fight any celebrity past or present who would it be and why? And the follow-up: If you could party with any celebrity past or present who would it be and why?
EDITORS: I would fight Sly Stallone in the period of the first Rocky Movie to see if he was actually any good at boxing. I reckon I’d win. I would like to have partied with Marilyn Monroe and Frank Sinatra. I would have smoked one of those big cigars and then stolen Frank Sinatra’s hat after having a few too many whiskeys. I’d now sell that hat on eBay!
LG: Who’d you rather? Barbara Walters or Connie Chung…both are prominent
US news personalities.
EDITORS: Haven’t got a f***ing clue what either of them look like so I’ll go for Connie Chung.
LG: What’s the worst band name you’ve ever heard? Bad because it’s trying too hard to be smart, bad because it doesn’t make sense or bad because it’s just annoying as sh*t.
EDITORS: Anal Cunt.
LG: What’s the last record you bought borrowed or stole?
EDITORS: I always buy loads of CDs- stealing is a crime! I bought an album by Film School, it’s self titled and it’s good.
LG: We hear that you describe the sound of some of your songs as “dark disco,” and that you like to incorporate a dance element into some of your songs. That being said, if you could have your pick of anyone, who would you like to remix one of your songs and what song what it be?
EDITORS: I would get Jay Z to remix and rap over one of our songs. In fact its going to be the next big rock rap collaboration: Run DMC/Aerosmith and now Jay Z/Editors.
LG: Next time a lazy journalist, err “Blogger,” compares you to Interpol, is it possible that you might kick them in the face? I mean you have to be getting a bit tired of it by now.
EDITORS: Well if people are going to be that lazy then they are most probably not going to make it to a gig for me to beat them up, I’m sure if they came to see us they’d be converted.
LG: 2006 looks like it’s going to be a busy year for The Editors in terms of touring. Is playing live something you enjoy, and what do you do as a group to not kill each other while on the road for so long? Also, tell us about something scandalous that’s happened to you backstage. Any story involving hookers and/or dead squirrels will score you extra points with the LiquidGeneration readership
EDITORS: Of course we enjoy playing live, otherwise we’d hate our job! We’ve been best friends for 6 years, so we know when to give each other space so we don’t ever come to blows. I’m afraid we’ve never gang banged a bunch of hookers or killed squirrels for kicks so we haven’t got any rock n roll stories. We like to drink and be merry but we’re all sensible young chaps.
LG: We hear that your guitarist, Chris, worked as a sales assistant at a shoe shop before The Editors took off. We were wondering if this experience contributed in any way to the dark-ish tone of your music? After all, feet are pretty gross. Speaking of which, any “nasty feet” stories you’d like to share?
EDITORS: I don’t think the tone of the shoes was a contributing factor to the tone of our music but I think the a**holes dealt with day in day out might have pissed him off. Don’t know whether I should share this but I might as well with regards to “nasty feet” stories. I tripped over a curb about 2 years ago and managed to trap the end of my toes between the curb and the pavement. I managed to rip off two toe nails, one grew back and one of them still hasn’t. Pretty gross!
LG: You all met at College/University while taking a Music technology course, correct? What exactly did said course entail? Please tell us it was more “Rock & Roll” than it sounds
EDITORS: No it wasn’t at all “rock n roll” hence us forming a band and trying to escape the dreadful university life we led. We don’t like to advertise which university we went to, as they try and advertise to potential students that we went there to give the impression that you can go on to do things with your courses like we did. That university was great for us as we hated the courses and it gave us time to write songs. The best thing about going there was meeting each other. That of course was the sh*t.
LG: Finally, as “Editors” don’t you think the NME kinda sucks?
EDITORS: I would definitely change a few things about the magazine but my time at the moment is made up by editing this interview!